
Showing posts with the label stomach

Lose Stomach Fat Gain Muscle

This topic is often debated. Even though youre trying to shed belly fat you should have a slight caloric. Pin On Metabolism If youre one of those people we have some info for you to consider. Lose stomach fat gain muscle . This deficit forces your body to use pre-existing fat stores for fuel. Heres what they dont understand. In order to build muscle you need to consume excess calories. This is how to look like the pros. When you shed pounds and lose fat especially around your belly you speed up your metabolism and have the energy to take on harder workouts and in turn build muscleHowever muscle-building can also support fat-loss since muscle is highly metabolically-active tissue. In order to lose fat there must be a calorie deficit. What is body fat. Fat-loss and muscle-building are sort of like the chicken and the egg of healthy body recomposition. Typically the process of losing belly fat involves losing fat everywhere on the body. Yes you need sufficie